Shaping boys into men


Whose job is it anyways? It is ours, yours and mine. Every man is a mentor, a role model to someone. The question is, are we good or bad role models? Men, it is our job to guide our boys into manhood. It is up to us to shape boys into the men God wants them to be. Wells will they look up to?

Just been in the home is not good enough; dads must take an active role in their boy's lives. And we're there is no dad in the home, it is the job of other men to step up to the plate and mentor a fatherless boy. We need to let our sons and fatherless boys know that we care about them, that they can trust us and that we would be there for them no matter what. They need to know that our love for them is unconditional – the Jesus kind of love. "Mentor" is a buzzword today. Although the dictionaries is a mentor is "a trusted counselor or guide," one of my favorite definition of mentor is that "A mentor is a lifeline." Satan is out to destroy our boys, throwing them cement blocks instead of a saving tube or a raft. We need men who will step forward and become lifelines to our boys who are in desperate need of good role models in their lives.

I am here to challenge you to become a mentor, an important part of a boy's life. I truly believe that the men in our churches want more than just a breakfast once a month, they want a ministry where they can see results. Our churches are full of men want to be involved in a significant ministry in the church; there is no better way for men to make a difference with their lives than to give support and guidance to a boy in need of a mentor.
Starting a mentoring program in the men's group in your church, in your High School or your community will not only greatly benefit your boys, but it will also greatly bless the men involved. But let's just say that you're not the "start a new group" kind of guy, then it might serve you best to join with an organization which already has an existing mentorship program.

F.E.T.C.H. already has a mentorship program that you can join today, for free, and immediately start impacting the lives of young boys. Go ahead, I dare you. Help shape the man that is inside a boy; help them to become the husband, father and leader God made him to be. You can do it! If you don't, who will?
I am convinced that our relationship as men and fathers extend far beyond our own families. A faithful father has no choice about attending to the matters of the Father.
One of those matters is clearly coming to the aid of the fatherless, the orphaned and distressed.

God is a "father to the fatherless, a defender of Widows he sets the lonely in families" Psalms 68 vs 5-6. If we fail in our mission to build a bridge to the fatherless, then our families, schools, churches, communities, cities and nations, as we know them, will certainly melt down.  defender of widows