A unique approach...
A unique approach to crime-prevention and gun-violence reduction.
The focus of this initiative is to provide Information Technology training and Entrepreneurship Education for low-income families (parents and children) as a deterrent to crime and violence. Particularly, gun violence. Our program presently serves families residing in the Homestead, Florida City, Perrine, Goulds, South Miami, Richmond Heights and Cutler Bay area.
This program targets low-income families living within crime-ridden communities, since crime-prevention statistics shows this demographic serve as fertile grounds for the propagation of gun-related crime and violence. The FETCH Program offers computer assembly training, computer programming training and entrepreneurship education which is sensitively organized and uniquely tailored to meet the needs and skills level of each participant. Each family participating in F.E.T.C.H. will take home the unit they assemble and program upon program completion.
Over the years we have had the previlege to have worked with families and children who we were told had no other hope. We were their last chance as they had exausted all hope and posibilities of having other agencies work with them. Others had given up on them out of utter frustration, while some took a look at their record; criminal, academic, parental backgrpund etc. (please note we are talking about juvenile offenders, multiple school expulsions, repeat teen-pregnancies, drug related arrests/ crime, multiple foster-home bouts, run-aways etc.) and felt that they were simply not worth the time it would require to properly rehabilitiate them.
Thanks to the F.E.T.C.H. Program we have seen some of those very same youth move on to re-enter student-life and are now aspiring college students, I.T. college students, as well as Culinary Art Institues applicants awaiting acceptance. We beleive if we have more resources and greater access to these and other youth like them we could countinue to be the catalyst for change in our city and nation....Won't you help us help them?
Ask us how yuou could help.
Youth Empowerment, Family Enrichment
Youth Empowerment:
We believe that as a result of our program families will come to appreciate their newly acquired computer skills as well as their brand-new computer systems...particularly since they themselves built them from scratch. The hope and optimism beaming in their eyes as they realize that they are not only building, repairing and programming computers but are now empowered to start their own Information Technology related business is more than enough inspiration for us to continue making this much-needed program available to those who need it most.
Family Enrichment:
Upon completion of our program, participants will be empowered with the requisite skills, for owning and operating their own Information Technology businesses, if they should choose to do so.
The bigger picture however is our earnest attempt to plant seeds of curiosity towards technology and entrepreneurship which when fully developed will replace the hopelessness and other attributes of poverty which generally sends families sliding down the slippery slope of crime and violence.